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tv   BBC World News America  PBS  February 14, 2013 4:00pm-4:30pm PST

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his girlfriend was shot dead early this morning. our correspondent andrew harding is in pretoria and starts our coverage from their. >> there has never been anyone quite like him, the blade runner, of global sensation. but police say that's oscar pistorius is a murder suspect, accused of killing his girlfriend. the story begins at pistorius's home, a closely guarded estate. >> a 26-year-old woman did die on the scene of a gunshot wound. heat has been charged with murder. >> the police said that neighbors heard a loud voices at the house overnight and then gunshots. they said there were previous domestic incidents at the helm. pistorius could have shot his girlfriend by accident after mistaking her as a burglar. >> allegations had been made
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was as the deceased burglar. we were very surprised and those allegations did not come from us. >> the dead woman has been identified as reeva steenkamp, a well-known south african model. their relationship and their careers rarely out of the headlines here. >> she was a really vibrant personality and other really wicked sense of humor. the fact that she was so beautiful, it was there, but it was not the main thing. she was a really great person. fun to hang out with. >> the murder has stunned south africa. >> it is difficult to take it all in. >> oscar pistorius was taken to the hospital for a full medical examination p -- medical examination. in the morning, he will be taken
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to court. prosecutors are expected to argue that he should not be granted bail. he has had a remarkable life. he was born without bones in his legs. they were amputated. however, he proved to be an exceptional athlete. in london last year, he competed against able-bodied runners come up a watershed moment in sports. his friends say his extraordinary career has taken its toll. >> i believe success and money has changed a lot of people. for me, personally, oscar did change. i think he became a very different person. >> now oscar pistorius is preparing for his first appearance in court tomorrow, are rather different arena for one of the world's most iconic at lloyds. >> a few moments ago, i spoke to
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andrew in pretoria, and i asked him what the reaction was to the day's news. >> shock, first of all, here. the confusion that has followed the day's events. speculation it might have been a burglar or mistaken identity. and the police making it very clear they have evidence to prove this is a case of murder and they are insisting they do not believe that oscar pistorius should even be allowed bail. a lot of people starting to look beyond that and asking bigger questions about the levels of crime in south africa, the levels of domestic violence, the levels of gun ownership. the fact is, there is still a lot we do not know about this case and it could be very interesting, very telling tomorrow in court, what is likely to be a very brief bail hearing. we may start to get tantalizing hints about the case the police are building up, as well as
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perhaps an indication of what defense oscar pistorius and his team may be amounting. >> andrew, what is the procedure now in south africa? we expected to appear in court friday morning. what is likely to happen? but probably nothing particularly quick. the police have got to build up their case against them. we understand the forensic expert may be back at the house in the estate behind me, possibly looking at blood spatters, trying to recreate what happened in the early hours of this morning. as for the bail hearing, that will happen tomorrow. after that, there may well be a period of pause as the prosecution is given time to build up its case. >> andrew harding reporting from pretoria. in other news, pope benedict has indicated he will retreat
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entirely from public life when he retires at the end of this month. he told parish priests he would remain closed to all of them, but be hidden from the world. investigation into the death of a teenage boy shot dead marking the second anniversary of a failed uprising in bahrain. and a famous owner for a famous brand. heinz, the maker of ketchup and debate beans, has been sold by the business consortium that includes a billionaire warren buffet. the deal is believed to be the largest in the food industry. u.s. airways and american airlines have announced they are joining forces. the merger creates the world's biggest airline in terms of
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miles flown by passengers around the world. we have this from new york. >> the courtship is over and now they are making it permanent. u.s. airways announced its merger with american airlines. [applause] it was the closest thing to a marriage ceremony. the u.s. airways to executive counted the benefits of this union. >> these are two highly complementary airlines. the 900 route we fly individually. when you add them up, there are only 12 of them that have overlap. this is really about providing better service to customers. it creates a nice third competitor to the two larger airlines. our view is it increases competition, doesn't decrease competition. >> the deal will save the combines company's $11 billion per year.
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united shareholders will own 28% of the stock while american shareholders will own the remaining 72%. this deal will help rescue it from bankruptcy and allow it to compete with the likes of delta and united, both of which a gone through mergers. >> we will be delivering the most value to our owners and the greatest benefits to our customers and our people. >> there are still hurdles to clear. at new york's jfk, passengers wondered what it meant for them. after this deal goes through, around three-quarters of all u.s. air traffic will be left in the hands of four major airlines -- american, continental, delta, and southwest. for frequent fliers, that raises the question, will this still be good for them? will it raise ticket prices?
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>> my first question is will i be able to use my air miles, etc.? >> nothing ever gets cheaper, and i do not think the merger is going to make flying any cheaper. >> to preserve competition, the u.s. justice department will want to bet the deal. when united merged with continental in 2010, the group had to sell some airport slots. american and u.s. airways may have to make similar concessions for this match to go ahead. bbc news, new york. >> it should have been the turning of a lifetime. instead 4000 cruise ship passengers and crew have been living a nightmare. the carnival cruise line has been without power for days. conditions are being described as something akin to scenes from
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"lord of the flies." of riffe time ago, steve kingston jointly with the very latest. i started by talking about a recent setback. >> what we have had is an error- strewn final leg of what was already late -- already a calamitous cruz. this ship, unfortunately named triumph, was towed into the channel for mobile in alabama. than there were problems with the tugboat's. their mechanical issues with the first tugboat. a second boat came in, and the tow rope broke. what the cruise line was saying at a short time ago is it will certainly be nightfall over the ship is docked, and potentially another four to five hours before all the passengers are of. their nightmare will not end until the early hours of the
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morning. >> conditions sound absolutely dreadful. >> and we are getting dramatic and terrific first hand circumstance -- present testimony of what they have been going through. the fire knocked out electricity on board. there are few working toilets. horrible stories of human predict human sewage running down hallways. one passenger described it as a floating petri dish. people have had to sleep on deck. they have assembled what essentially looks like a tent city on board. one lady from new orleans said it was reminiscent of the superdome after katrina. >> how does the company handling this? >> they are doing their very best to ensure the end of this is a smooth and painless as possible. lots of staff on hand, passengers being told they can spend a night in the hotel in new orleans before flying back
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to texas or get on a bus trip away if they so choose. they will get a full refund plus $500 each. we are getting word that there are mechanical problems, complaints that the country was -- but the company was slow getting the ship back to port. presumably, all lot of them will have their own video of those conditions as well. >> this story not over by a longshot. thank you for joining us. i can bring you a little bit of news that broke a short time ago. republicans in the united states senate have temporarily delayed the confirmation vote for defense secretary nominee chuck hagel. another vote is expected in the next few weeks. now for the scandal that continues to spread. a company in the south of france whose meat and did up -- ended
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up on supermarket shelves is accused by the french government of knowingly selling horse meat as beef. our european correspondent christian frazier reports. >> tonight, it was the french company spanghero in the dock, and the minister of consumer affairs said they sent out horsemeat as beef. >> spanghero was the first actor in the food chain to import horsemeat as beef. >> in a french newspaper, an invoice for one of the three ships that spanghero was said to have ordered in january. the total volume, and 42 tons. the ceo still insists that its
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company received a beep and sold but what it thought was beef. the ships travel by this facility in the netherlands. french authorities believe that spanghero ordered the course made -- horsemeat and sold it as beef. the could contain up to 100% horse. and other person in that food chain, this man, a dutch meat trader. he was here at this courthouse. to court records says he relabeled imported mexican and brazilian horse meat as halal beef.
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an appeal is pending. he did not return our calls, but his lawyers say he denies wrongdoing and is not a suspect. in cold storage, 200 tons of romanian horse meat. in spite of his conviction, he was never suspended from trading. >> you knew he was under investigation? >> yes. four years ago. >> bid to stop trading with them? >> why not? >> it was not necessary. the law says he can do his business. who am i to judge? >> during this investigation, the authorities continued to -- >> yes. >> in france and britain, testimony of the failure of the meat industry. at the end of the line, the
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consumer. it is their trust being tested. question for richard, bbc news. >> you are watching "bbc world news america." silda come. giving it depressed chimps a lift. will tell you why the pushes on to give these animals medicine to cure the blues'. this week's nuclear test by north korea set off widespread condemnation, but inside the country, the response is likely to be very different. we have this report. >> it shows -- outright disregard. >> how do you respond to a nuclear bomb? with no. 3 of's main foes and allies seated in the security council, an agreement on sanctions is never easy. and north korea is choked by sanctions already. these pictures, smuggled out of the country last week, show a very different face to the high-
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tech nuclear program. sandwiched between two of asia's economic stars. without enough to eat, who here cares about having a nuclear bomb? kim used to live next to the nuclear test site. he does not want us to show his face because his family still lives there. he felt the earth shake when it north korea tested the bomb four years ago. >> no. 3 at does the tests -- north korea does the test to stand up to the u.s. as a no. 3 and, i was surprised we have such a high level of technology and i was proud we can match the united states. >> he risks his life to escape to the south, to freedom, he says the bank even among the factors like him, pride in
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pyongyang's achievement minders. south to rihanna's pop culture is trickling into the north, breaking -- south korea's pop culture is trickling into the north. they may not always have the same affect. bbc news. >> in the past few decades, the medical community has made great strides in diagnosing and treating depression. but what if it is jim's, not humans and need the help? -- if it is chimps, not humans that need the help? it is found that chimpanzees can benefit from anti-depressant. we have this report. >> this is a retirement home for
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chimps that have been used in scientific research. they are well fed and given lots of space. after 20 years could up in the lab, many cannot adapt to spending -- cannot adapt, spending their new-found freedom in brooding isolation. anyone entering the compound needs protective clothing. chimps here have been infected with hepatitis and hiv. gone is their energy and playfulness. researchers have mixed and the depressants in with their food. after a few weeks, the staff noticed a change. >> that would just sit in the corner and do nothing. after the invention, they are playing with each other and interacting and doing much better now. >> this chimp used to scream all the time in terror.
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now his main worry is someone might take his ^. these two now play affectionately. hundreds up chimps have been used in experiments over the years. many windup traumatized. 20 years ago, chimp research was at its side, particularly in the u.s. but then they were needed for hiv research. because the public opposition, their use is not decreasing. a recent scientific committee has recommended that more than 300 chimps should be retired in about their remaining years at a sanctuary. simply releasing a chimps will not be enough. many 1 non--- many may well need anti-depressant.
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>> i think, yes, there is a sizable amount of chimps that could potentially benefit from this sort of a therapeutic approach. >> anti-depressants help these once traumatized animals. because there are some many being retired from research, scientists believe this treatment should be available to all the needed. bbc news, amsterdam. >> poor chimps. let's try to cheer you up with the story. one of the most acclaimed artists of the 20th century, the work of pablo picasso, is celebrated worldwide. how did he come to master his craft? that is the focus of a new exhibition in london. we went to see it. >> this is bob lowe picasso, aged 19 -- pablo picasso, aged
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19. precocious with those famously piercing eyes. a young spanish artist in paris, preparing for his first exhibition. here is an homage to "moulin rouge." this portrait represents monk's expressionist anxiety. here you can see van gogh's heightened reality. he brought with him influence of artists from his native spain, such as el greco. then he starts to find his own voice, the echo of which is still heard by artists today. >> he is fiercely modern because of his refusal to consent to a style. at think he has the confidence and the ability to push things
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beyond a level where he is comfortable with. he launches himself into the void. in this show, you can see that. it is like a broken egg for the beautiful, he is going to make. >> his mother said if he'd gone into the army, he would have been a general and if he had gone into the church, he would have been the po. >> i think this is the moment when the tasso finds his own artistic choice -- when picasso finds his own artistic voice. he is totally reinventing french art. picasso adopt the matif of the harlequin, a mysterious character. this is the last exhibition painting. for years, it in the national gallery, free for all to say. those days are over. it was sold for an estimated 50
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million pounds to a buyer in the middle east or russia or america. which means this may be the last time it is seen in this country. enjoy it while you can. bbc news, london. >> the work of apollo picasso, bringing today's program to close. you can consider -- you can continue watching "bbc world news america" for constant updates. simply check your local listings for our channel #. "bbc world news america for all of news america" thank you for watching and we will see you back here tomorrow. >> funding for this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu. newman's own foundation. union bank. fidelity investments. and sony pictures classics, now
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- hi, neighbor! you're invited to a show at my school. i'm excited for you to see what i can do. and then, we're going on a leaf walk with my dad! i'm so glad you'll be with me. and i'll be right back. is made possible in part by... the richard king mellon foundation. dedicated for over sixty years to south western pennsylvania's quality of life, and competitive future. and by these pittsburg foundations. working together to enhance and enrich the lives of children for more than seventy-five years.
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and by the arthur vining davis foundations. dedicated to strengthening america's future through education. adcasting, dedicated to strengthening america's future and contributions to your pbs station, from viewers like you. the neighborhood ♪ and contributions to your pbs station, ♪ a beautiful day for a neighbor ♪ ♪ would you be mine? could you be mine? ♪ ♪ won't you be my neighbor? - ♪ it's daniel tiger's neighborhood ♪ ♪ the land of make-believe ♪ won't you ride along with me? - ride along ♪ - ♪ it's daniel tiger's neighborhood ♪ ♪ so much to do, so much to see ♪ ♪ won't you ride along with me? - ride along ♪ - ♪ i've got lots of friends for you to meet ♪ ♪ in the land of make-believe ♪ a friendly face on every street waiting to greet you ♪ ♪ it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood ♪
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♪ a beautiful day for a neighbor ♪ ♪ in daniel tiger's neighborhood ♪ - presenting... daniel tiger! ta-dah! ha! ha! ha! today at school, we're putting on a show. and i'm going to sing! ♪ la la la la la la laaaa come see! - ok, everyone, we're ready to start our show! everyone, get ready to show something special you can do. - i'm going to sing a song! ♪ la la la la la la laaaa - i'm going to... to... to... i don't know what i'm going to do, hoo-hoo. - you can do so many things, o! - thanks, daniel. - prince wednesday, would you like to go first? - yes! i'm gonna be the silliest magician! - ♪ hi, prince wednesday, how do you do? ♪ ♪ show us something special that you can do ♪
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- ladies and gentlemen... and owls, and kitty cats, and tigers... watch me say the magic word, and pull a duck out of my hat! abraca-doodle! (laughter) abraca-doggie! (laughter) abracadabraaa! - (kids): yaaay! (laughter) a rrroyal thank you! (laughter) that magic trick was something special that i can do! - prince wednesday's magic trick is so funny! don't you think, o? - that was a funny magic trick. - super funny! - prince wednesday can do a magic trick? hoo-hoo-hoo! that is so special! (sigh) i can't do a magic trick. i'm not that special. - o the owl, would you like to go now? - well... ok.


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